Saturday, January 7, 2012

NBA Premium Play 01/06: Atlanta Hawks @ Charlotte Bobcats

NBA - 801 Atlanta Hawks @ 802 Charlotte Bobcats

Projected line: Atlanta 1Q by 6 points


The explanation for this writeup can be summed up with what was said after Atlanta's last night's game against Miami:

Al Horford summed it up: “This by far has to be my worst defeat here as a Hawk. I didn’t feel like we wanted to win this game.” ; “I wish they would have played, to be perfectly honest,” Larry Drew said. “I think if they would have played we would have taken a whole different approach.” Josh Smith: "We need to have some kind of sense of being mad and wanting to take it out on somebody else."

It was clear the whole game that Atlanta wasn't with their proper mindset to play last night against Miami with no Lebron and Wade. They thought it would be just too easy for them: Joe Johnson shot 7-20 FG, Jeff Teague shot 1-12 FG, Josh Smith shot 6-17 FG, Marvin Williams shot 2-10 FG and only Al Horford looked decent by shooting 5-7 FG! Of course, the starters played big minutes, with the exception of Marvin Williams, as the other four starters played more than 40 minutes yesterday. However, it was the Hawks bench who cameback in the 2nd half to send the game to overtime!

On the other side, Charlotte is coming from a win at New York against the Knicks, in a weird win due to the lack of aggressiveness and defense from the NYK! I believe we have a tremendous edge on spot up plays tonight, with Atlanta's offense being ranked 3rd in the league with 1.05 PPP, while Charlotte is dead last on defending these plays by allowing 1.08 PPP. Expect Atlanta to enter tonight's game at full speed and clearly ready to bounce back from last night's debacle. Therefore, I'll be taking the Hawks on the First Quarter in here on a Double Dime Play!

Pick: 4 units (Double Dime Play) on 801 Atlanta Hawks (-0,5) FIRST QUARTER @ -110 / 1.91 on 5Dimes

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